
About Me

I am a wife, a mom to two teenage sons, a fifth-grade teacher, and a certified mat Pilates instructor. I’m also a lifelong amateur athlete and fitness enthusiast, and for years I gravitated toward hard-core, high impact, “As-Seen-On-TV” fitness programs. I watched late-night infomercials and bought fitness equipment that I actually used. But then I got older. I didn’t bounce back as quickly as I used to from injuries. I felt frustrated when I couldn’t keep up with my workouts and let my body heal. And while I’m stubborn, I knew I had to try something different … and it all led me to Pilates.

I’ll admit that initially I was less than enthusiastic about the mat. I incorrectly assumed that apparatus-based Pilates classes would be more challenging and would provide a better strengthening routine than the mat. Was I ever wrong!

Done correctly, practicing on the mat provides endless benefits: toning, core strengthening, increased flexibility, spinal mobility, and improved posture. It’s widely accessible and easy to customize for every fitness level. For me, Pilates has provided the opportunity to maintain the “gains” from my hard-core weight-lifting days, without the associated injury and rehab.

If you’re looking for a judgement-free, progress-not-perfection type of practice, then Mind Over Mat Pilates is for you. Wear whatever you want. Be comfortable. Don’t bother with your hair, just show up with your mat – no one will care if it’s from Target or Manduka – and be prepared to learn, work hard, and exceed your goals. Welcome!

Stacey Vagoun